I find this incredible since Arianna Huffington and Roy Sekoff are all over the television being critical of the Obama administration and touting a more liberal position, yet are censoring liberal commentators on their site.
What alerted me to a consistent blocking of my comments was a piece about Ed Schultz calling the GOP "bastards". My response was in regards to a commentator who told Ed to "shut his pie mouth", yet I responded by saying it was very unlikely that this person would tell O'Reilly, Limbaugh or Beck to shut their "pie mouths"when call for the doing of harm, or worse, to liberals and progressives expressing their viewpoints.
I went on to point out that the above three right-wingers often using harsher words about liberals and progressives than the word "bastard".
Here are my examples of HuffPo censorship:
This is how they introduce their censorship---
“This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.”
First Posted: 01- 6-11 08:35 PM
“The GOP runs on rhetoric, slogans, catch phrases, but when forced to actually define their positions, they have no clue what to do. They are the Party-of-No, but that is all they know how to do.
$100 billion is small numbers to cut from Federal Budget. In order to make a difference, a trillion dollars needs to be cut. So, how about starting with the military war machine. It is not about "Pentagon savings", but actually reductions. By ending the two failed wars/occupations, which drains the economy and has little-to-no stimulus to the real economy, we would likely see around $800B returned to the budget.”
Inside December Jobs Report, Labor Force Hits 'Stunning New Low' Lila Shapiro 1-7-11
"The administration can try and spin these job numbers all they want, but the reality is jobs are barely returning. Obama wants us to believe that the jobs are coming back. Obama stated that we need to be more competitive, but that really means cutting wages and benefits to meet the globe's least common wage denominator.
Filling his economic advisor circle with elite Wall Streeters defines the Obama position.
As foreclosures continue, personal wealth for many workers will decline. What we are seeing is a credit bubble because workers are using credit as cash. How many auto loans will go into default this year and next?
All of these problems are related to the continuous un-underemployment, as well as those who stopped looking for work."
Paul Krugman: Don't Believe The Texas Economic 'Miracle' 1-7-11
"The GOP can win elections on their delusional cost cutting, and austerity propaganda messages, but they never work. The results are poor educational results, more citizens requiring social services, such as food stamps, lower wages and benefits, and more worker suffering.
The reality seems to be is all they really care about is serving the corporate elite make more for themselves and work to eliminate regulations so they can spend less on keeping the environment clean, and more bringing in more profits for themselves."
"So, how does the economy grow when foreclosures are increasing, workers suffer from declining and stagnant wages, therefore, must use credit cards as cash, and the Obama administration and economic team advisors support the Fed policy of issuing nearly free cash to the bankstas who don't use this free cash to rebuild the economy but to speculate on Wall Street and foreign currencies hoping to boosting their value making the dollar and US exports more desirable, along with other speculative investments?
It has been all about making more money for the corporate and financial elite at the expense of the real economy and working Americans with little economic reverberation.
The Fed pays the corporate and financial elite to redeposit the cash that they lent out back into the Fed paying around 3% for doing so. How does this help improve the economy?"
I view this censorship as nothing more than becoming a capitulator to the conservative corporate advertisers to their website and making sure that their income flows don't get cut off. The corporate elite advertisers don't want too many opposing viewpoints being printed on the site.
It just could be that Arianna Huffington's original conservative viewpoints are reemerging as when she called for the resignation (Resignation.com) of Bill Clinton along with other conservatives when Clinton was falling down the sexual rabbit hole.
thanks for reading, jerry