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Friday, November 9, 2012

Barack Obama Sheds Tears For Those Who Did The Work

This video shows to all of us what Barack stands for, and who he is as a person. The tears are symbols of his upcoming agenda and push to help all of us in the middle.

I am proud to have worked for him. Stay positive.

As Bruce Springsteen wrote, "No Surrender."

Saturday, November 3, 2012

President Obama's Speech at Bristow, VA-Amazing!

Mitt Romney, ie. Mr. Fantasy, Profited From The Auto Bailout

Mitt has morphed into the person that the band---Traffic--wrote about in their song, Mr. Fantasy:

Dear Mister Fantasy play us a tune
Something to make us all happy
Do anything take us out of this gloom
Sing a song, play guitar
Make it snappy
You are the one who can make us all laugh
But doing that you break out in tears
Please don't be sad if it was a straight mind you had
We wouldn't have known you all these years.

The truth is that no one has known this guy at all. He is a non-person. He is a Nowhere Man.

Mr. Fantasy benefited from the auto bailout, yet he has stated time and time again that the auto industry should have gone into bankruptcy. Now that the bailout is history and he profited from it, it is easy for him to say that the industry should have gone into bankruptcy.

Here is an excerpt from the piece written by Jason Cherkis and Zach Carter:

"In 2000, a financially struggling plastics company that supplied car parts received emergency funding from auto manufacturers General Motors and Ford Co. The plastics company was owned by Bain Capital, the firm co-founded by Mitt Romney."

Read the entire article here.

GM Helped Bain Capital Profit By Giving Funding To Struggling Parts Supplier Owned By Investment Firm.


Friday, November 2, 2012

Flap-jackin' Mitt Romney Has No Core Beliefs

Mr. Nowhere Man is nothing but an empty suit with a sociopathic milky center. The guy is a pathological liar and this behavior appears to be sanctioned by the Mormon Church.

Just listen to this Mormon Moron. He is a disgrace and embarrassment to the United States as the rest of  the world looks on.

Hey Pat Robertson--- could Hurricane Sandy and the possible winter storm nearing New England in the coming days be a message telling Republicans that they have chosen a very scary, and mentally ill candidate to run for president? I say yes!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Is Mitt Romney Engaging In Domestic Terrorism?

The question is is Romney's political tactics a form of domestic terrorism? Instead of using death and killing as we typically imagine terrorism to be, could the use money to buy ads that are filled with lies promoting fear and intimidation be a form of domestic terrorism?

To define Terrorism, one might say it is:

The use of violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political aims.

To define Violence, or might say it is


swift and intense force. Or, rough or injurious physical force, action, or treatment. Oran unjust or unwarranted exertion of force or power, as against rights or laws. Or, rough or immoderate vehemence, as of feeling or language.

So, we could extrapolate from the above definitions that, yes, Romney is engaging in domestic terrorism. Some of his ads are expressed in rough and intense force in the form of lies. His vehement lies are damaging, and intimidating in his pursuit of political aims.

They begin with his lies about Jeep and GM cutting domestic jobs and moving Jeep to China at the expense of domestic jobs. This is shameful and corrupt. This propaganda is what dictators do to stir fear and hate in order to align the population behind this kind of liar, who uses these techniques to maintain power and control.

In Romney's case, he is using these techniques to grab power and control from Obama in this election cycle.

Now, we have learned that the UAW has filed an ethics complaint against Romney due to his hiding of his financial investment in the auto parts manufacturer Delphi, located in Ohio.

According to documents, Romney stated that there should not have been any auto bailout to GM or Chrysler. They needed to go into bankruptcy. Yet, Romney purchased millions of dollars worth of shares in Delphi at the time for 32 cents a share after the stock price tanked. Now, those shares are worth around $32 per share. What is that? Is that a 4000% gain?

Once the bailout occurred, Romney decided to intimidate GM by demanding that GM pay higher prices for Delphi auto parts used in GM products, which, ultimately cost the taxpayers even more money than before the stock purchases by the Romney family.

Romney was already running for president, yet he was profiteering from the auto bailout knowing full well that Americans would be paying higher prices for Romney's auto parts.

The ethics complaint is asking if there was a conflict of interest by the Romneys. Since Romney has refused to reveal their tax returns that would show their investment in Delphi, the American people don't know just how powerful Romney is in the decisions made by Delphi executives.

Romney is NOT using weapons in his act of terrorism against American, but using lots and lots of money to intimidate votes with lies and fraudulent messages to try and capture control of power and the White House.

Read the story here.

The Romney Clan As Slave Owners

The Mittology of Mittens

Mitt Romney: I Can Relate To Black People, My Ancestors Once Owned Slaves

March 13, 2012

In yet another seemingly faux pas moment for the former governor and presidential candidate, Mitt Romney tells a crowd of supporters in Alabama that he can relate to the plight of black individuals because his ancestors were slave owners in the 1800′s.
Mitt Romney was addressing a crowd in Prattville, Alabama this past Monday when he stated:

I understand how difficult it can be for an African-American in today’s society. In fact, I can relate to black people very well indeed. My ancestors once owned slaves, and it is in my lineage to work closely with the black community. However, just because they were freed over a century ago doesn’t mean they can now be freeloaders. They need to be told to work hard, and the incentives just aren’t there for them anymore. When I’m president I plan to work closely with the black community to bring a sense of pride and work ethic back into view for them. 

Even though this latest statement by Mitt Romney will undoubtedly be spun so that it will be seen as being taken out of context, someone needs to tell this man to just keep his mouth shut and smile. So far, he has told citizens that he is friends with NASCAR owners, NFL owners, and now that he is related to slave owners. Stick to economic policy Mitt, that’s your strong point. Your history at Bain Capital speaks for itself.
The Romney campaign has yet to release its version of the speech made in Prattville.

(I guess Romney also understands pimps and hookers, since his ancestors had multiple wives, too.)